British Seagull Outboard Engines -


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Printed Materials & Memorabilia

Here's a small collection of British Seagull Printed Materials & Memorabilia from over the years. If you've got some old British Seagull advertisements, brochures, magazine articles and/or other Printed Materials & Memorabilia you'd like to share, email me a digital copy and I'll add it to the list.



Note: For those on dial-up or slow Internet connections, the estimated file size of the scanned documents is in parenthesis.

Advertisements, Posters, Brochures

1930's | 1940's | 1950's | 1960's | 1970's | 1980's | 1990's


1935 Marston Advert

Marston "Seagull" Outboard Motors - THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY

Before "The best Outboard in the World" and later "The best Outboard for the World" there was "The Best that Money can Buy". It may not have been stamped on the outboards but it clearly was the basis for what came next. The manufactures: John Marston Limited were located at Wolverhampton.

Image DocumentYachting World - May 17, 1935 (40Kb)

1935 Marston Advert

Marston "Seagull" Outboard Motors - The best that money can buy

This was a half page, right side, advertisement.

Image DocumentYachting World - June 7, 1935 (41Kb)

1935 Marston Advert

Marston "Seagull" Outboard Motors - The Best that Money can buy

Apparently, the boy in this advert is Roger Pinniger, the son of one of the two founders.

Image DocumentYachting World - July 26, 1935 (32Kb)

1936 Marston Advert

Marston "Seagull" Outboard Motors - The Best that Money can buy


Image DocumentYachting World - May 15, 1936 (77Kb)

British Seagull Ad - 1938

The British Seagull - The Best Outboard in the World

The new tagline that'll lasts until the mid 1950's emerges - "The best Outboard in the World".

Image DocumentYachting World - June 10, 1938 (71Kb)

British Seagull Ad - 1939

The British Seagull - The Best Outboard in the World


Image DocumentYachting World - British Seagull Ad - June 16, 1939 (52Kb)

British Seagull Ad - 1939

The British Seagull - The Best Outboard in the World


Image DocumentYachting World - British Seagull Ad - July 28, 1939 (52Kb)


British Seagull Ad - August 1948

Mackerel spinning with a "Seagull"


Image DocumentYachting World - British Seagull Ad - August, 1948 (60Kb)

British Seagull Ad - April 1949

A Mariner's Maid of All Work

The '102' will be know as the "The Mariner's Maid of all Work."

Image DocumentYachting Monthly - British Seagull Ad - January & April, 1949 (74Kb)

British Seagull Ad - June 1949

A fit survivor

The Little Model 40 is introduced in this issue of Yachting Monthly. The 102 is officially known as The Mariner's Maid of all Work.

Image DocumentYachting Monthly - British Seagull Ad - June, 1949 (72Kb)

British Seagull Ad - October 1949

Lightener of the Brown Man's Burden

The Little Model 40 is introduced in this issue of Yachting World.

Image DocumentYachting World - British Seagull Ad - October, 1949 (52Kb)


British Seagull Ad - March 1950

"Every dinghy a motor dinghy"

This colorful March 1950 advert in Yachting World was painted by David Cobb.

Image DocumentYachting World - March 1950 (169Kb)

British Seagull Ad - May 1950

"Every dinghy a motor dinghy"

"Give you a pluck in a jiffy." This black and white March 1950 advert in Yachting World was done by David Cobb.

Image DocumentYachting Monthly - March & May 1950 (67Kb)

Image DocumentYachting World - June 1950 (70Kb)

British Seagull Ad - April 1950

"Every dinghy a motor dinghy"

"No room to pull an our." This black and white March 1950 advert in Yachting World was done by David Cobb.

Image DocumentYachting Monthly - April 1950 (68Kb)

British Seagull Ad - Oct-Nov 1950

Don't let your "Seagull" lie idle - ask the MAKERS to overhaul it

The company began offering to overhaul outboards for a small fee. They hoped to "learn... a great deal about how the engines fare in actual service and can embody those lessons in furture design."

Image DocumentYachting World - October/November 1950 (86Kb)

Art & Photo

The Penzance Lugger (Yachting Monthly Advertisement)

This advertisement in a 1950's issue of Yachting Monthly is from the collection of Charles Palfreeman. Be sure to view his collection of early British Seagull outboards: SD | FV | FVP | LS

Image DocumentYachting Monthly - 1950's (90Kb)

British Seagull Ad - 1953

"Now Can Be Purchased in the U.S.A."

An advert in the November 1953 edition of Yachting magazine. No Seagull dealers as of yet in the USA but dealer inquires were invited.

Image DocumentYachting - November 1953 (169Kb)

British Seagull Poster - March 1954

The Gull

The gull on the Seagull.

Image DocumentYachting World - March & April 1954 (256Kb)

British Seagull Poster - June 1954

I'm telling you!

The gull on the Seagull in color.

Image DocumentYachting Monthly - June 1954 (46Kb)

British Seagull Poster - April 1955

I'm telling you!

The gull on the Seagull.

Image DocumentYachting World - April 1955 (256Kb)

British Seagull Poster - May 1955

More Power - Even Smoother Running and NOW 4 Bladed Propellers as well

The gull on the Seagull in color.

Image DocumentYachting Monthly - May 1955 (55Kb)

British Seagull Poster - June 1955

More Power - Even Smoother Running and NOW 4 Bladed Propellers as well

The gull on the Seagull in color.

Image DocumentYachting Monthly - June 1955 (55Kb)

British Seagull Ad - 1957

Reliablility springs from Simplicity

This is the first advertisement with the company tag line changed from "The best Outboard Motor in the World" to "The best Outboard Motor for the World".

Image DocumentYachting Month - April & March 1956 & June 1957 (49Kb)

British Seagull Ad - 1957

The Best Dinghy Auxiliary in the World

This color advert reads "The Best Dinghy Auxiliary in the World" and the tag line reads "The best Outboard Motor for the World". Up until the previous year the company tag line was "The best Outboard Motor in the World".

Image DocumentYachting Monthly - May 1957 (43Kb)

British Seagull Ad - 1957

The Best Dinghy Auxiliary in the World

This advert reads "The Best Dinghy Auxiliary in the World" and the tag line reads "The best Outboard Motor for the World". Up until the previous year the company tag line was "The best Outboard Motor in the World".

Image DocumentYachting World - July 1957 (25Kb)

Art & Photo

In Art as in Reality...

This artist's rendering (first image) of a Seagull doing some amazing work (one Seagull pulling two boats and over 40 people!) - was based on an actual photo (second image). Pretty amazing!

Image DocumentArt & Photo (57Kb)

British Seagull Poster - 1950's

Late 1950's Poster

This 20" by 26" poster shows the latest models of the time. They include 'The 102', 'The 102 Plus', 'The 40 Minus' and 'The Super 40 Plus'. On the other side are artist renderings of Seagulls at work.

Image DocumentPoster with outboard details (256Kb)

Image DocumentTwo paintings (92Kb)

Image DocumentTwo paintings and text (148Kb)


British Seagull Ad - 1957

Yachting World - August 1965

Image DocumentAdvertisement - Yachting World - August 1965 (36Kb)

British Seagull Ad - 1957

Yachting World Cover - February 1966

Image DocumentCover Photo - Yachting World - February 1966 (93Kb)

British Seagull Poster - 1960s

1960's Poster Artwork ...

Here's a poster with some really nice horizontal paintings of Seagulls at work.

Image DocumentScuba Diver & Harbour Scene (128Kb)

British Seagull Brochure - 1960's

1960's Two Sided Brochure...

This 8 1/2 by 11 inch brochure displays the 40 Minus and 40 Plus on one side and the Century 100 and Century 100 Plus on the other.

Image Document40 Minus, 40 Plus, Century 100 & Century 100 Plus (72Kb)

Brochure - How to Stowaway your Seagull

Sales Brochure with how to "stowaway" your Seagull

Image DocumentPoster (176Kb)

Image DocumentPage 1 (84Kb)

Image DocumentPage 2 (83Kb)


Sales Brochure from 1972

Sales Brochure from 1972

Image DocumentPage 1 (77Kb)

Image DocumentPage 2 (99Kb)

Image DocumentPage 3 (89Kb)

Sales Brochure from 1970's

Sales Brochure from the 1970's

Image DocumentPoster Front Page 1 (153Kb)

Image DocumentPoster Front Page 2 (180Kb)

Image DocumentPoster Back Page 1 (138Kb)

Image DocumentPoster Back Page 2 (133Kb)

1978 Price List

1978 Price List

Image DocumentPrice List (67Kb)


Classic Boat Article

The Seagull has landed...

A 1980's Classic Boat Magazine article by Mark Fishwick.
Reproduced with Permission from Classic Boat Magazine.

Image DocumentPage 1 (152Kb)

Image DocumentPage 2 (113Kb)

Image DocumentPage 3 (111Kb)

Image DocumentPage 4 (154Kb)

Sales Brochure from 1986

Sales Brochure from 1986

Image DocumentPage 1: Front Cover (46Kb)

Image DocumentPage 2 (53Kb)

Image DocumentPage 3 (67Kb)

Image DocumentPage 4 (47Kb)

Image DocumentPage 5 (66Kb)

Image DocumentPage 6 (40Kb)

Image DocumentPage 7 (64Kb)

Image DocumentPage 8 (40Kb)

Image DocumentPage 9 (63Kb)

Image DocumentPage 10 (40Kb)

Image DocumentPage 11 (67Kb)

Image DocumentPage 12: Back Cover (37Kb)

New Spares Kits

Sales Brochure Accessories Insert from 1986

Image DocumentInsert Front (78Kb)

Image DocumentInsert Back (67Kb)

New Spares Kits

New Spares Kits (Dealer Sales Brochure from January 1986)

Image DocumentSpares Kits (75Kb)


New Spares Kits

Sales Brochure from 1991

Image DocumentPage 1: Front Cover (74Kb)

Image DocumentPage 2 (148Kb)

Image DocumentPage 3 (143Kb)

Image DocumentPage 4 (117Kb)

Image DocumentPage 5 (130Kb)

Image DocumentPage 6: Back Cover (52Kb)






Seagull... every time.

ClockThis mid 1950's British Seagull wall clock was made in England by Smiths Clocks and Watches ltd. It measures 11inches by 11inches.

Image DocumentBritish Seagull Clock (22Kb)

Update: Barrie at advised me the clock has a QAT motor which was brought out in 1953 and used for a few years. Smiths brought out two other sectric motors before 1960.

Although made by Smiths clocks and Watches, a name they started to use circa 55, it is not strictly a domestic clock and so does not show in the domestic catalogues of that period.

Most probably, indeed I would say it was virtually a certainty that it was made by "ECS", Smiths industrial company, which used the standard smiths motors. They produced advertising clocks for many companies, Craven A and the one they started with KLG plugs, being two which come to mind.


British Seagull Badge

Sailorman BadgeFor a time British Seagull gave out a little "Sailorman" badge with the purchase of every new outboard. This piece of information and photo was provided by the owner, Charles Palfreeman.

Image DocumentBritish Seagull Badge (15Kb)






The Seagull RefuellerSeagull Refueller

The Seagull Refueller (1978?) had a capacity of 1.1 gallons (5 litres) and made of steel with a heavy duty stove enamelled finish. The spout and vented cap were made of heavy duty plastic. The tank was specifically designed so 1 gallon of gas (10 parts) and .01 gallons of 2 stroke oil (1 part) could be added to make up the 10:1 fuel mix. Pretty smart! There was an earlier model of the refueller made of brass.

Image DocumentThe Seagull Refueller (29Kb)